I dedicate this short post to me being probably the luckiest person ever... I could ramble on about how lucky I am...
(especially when talking with Todd Altom ;) ) But I won't...
Tonight after church, I was just hangin' out with the fam, and then had to run to David and Rachel's place for some AWESOME CIS homework... so right before I went to their house, I took off my tie, and then just stood there thinking, "I'm not gonna 'dirty' some other shirt just to do h-dub...." So I slapped my tie back on
(idk why...), went over there, spent like 4 hours on homework we thought we'd knock out in 45 minutes, and drove home, rather quickly... so quickly that a Mesa Police Officer pulled me over... asks me for just my license...
(Which is fortunate, considering I have failed to put the insurance card in the car yet...) looks at it... looks at me... bends down in the window and asks,
"Eric, what ward are you in?"
so yeah.... we talked about the singles ward a little bit - found out he's a convert... yada yada yada... and I found myself driving home ticketless...
I'm still not sure if my oversized scriptures on the front seat gave it away... or the fact that I was still in my church clothes - I like to think it was the clothes - THAT'S the reason I slapped the tie back on. ha ha